Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Whatever You Want (What? It's How You Told Me To Title It)

Well, my first blog is about how I revised my paragraph for Character or Caricature. The first main problem was that I had forgotten to add in any quotes from the book, which I fixed fairly quickly. Then, for each quote I had to add in a description of why the quotes were important. There were some spelling and grammar errors as well, which I caught and fixed. Usually I read through the paragraph repeatedly (2 or 3 times), each time finding more errors to fix than the last. The most difficult things to find are places where the small words repeat. Like when there are two in's or the's next to each other. I did not really feel that revising was really necessary though. But I give revising a 10...
                                            ...out of three million.

                                            Yeah... not the most fun part of writing.